...... 小梅叫我要寫篇自我介紹, 讓大家重新認識我..但因為我的中打很慢又很爛... 所以我就長話短說!!

大家好~ 我是怡潔! 好久不見! Well.. 我從吳興國小畢業後就被父母送到住宿學校: 衛理女中, 國中畢業後因為知道以後要出國念書所以我並沒有念高中而是選擇了五專(還是得住校), 我的主修為應用外語:英文以及日文!  五專畢業後就到了澳洲留學~ 還特別選了一個華人不多的地方。。。 就這樣度過了九個年頭~ 在澳洲念了大學, 然後碩士.. 然後工作.. 然後移民! 去年因為外婆過世所以被叫回台灣處理一些後續的事情! 今年八月又要回去了... 我從來沒有用中文打這麼多字.. In fact, I have difficulty writing articles in Chinese.. so if you guys don't mind.. I would like to continue it in English. In the past 9 years, I was living in Australia at the place called Adelaide! It's the capital of South Australia.. and the place is famous for its wine ^^ I was working as an accountant in one of the company there.. however, I dont really like the job.. so I quit! Now, I am having my holiday and preparing to travel around Aisa countries before I head back to Adelaide in the end of Aug. My next destination is Anglor in Cambodia! I am really happy that I can have this chance to see you guys again after so long!! Can't wait to see you all!!

Ciao xxx

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